Our Availability:


Please fill out a Waitlist Form, if you would like to book an appointment with us. This form will ask you for your name, date of birth, email and mobile contact. You will only be placed onto our Waitlist and/or offered and appointment if you have completed and returned a this form. If you have a specific psychologist or day/time please be sure to highlight this. Please read this form carefully. From our waitlist, you will be offered an appointment time as soon as possible or provided options to find an alternative and more appropriate service. Please note that both Dr Victoria Carr and Dr Jonathan Carr offer Telehealth appointments only.

We will endeavour to give you an estimation about our current availability by regularly updating average waiting times below to see one of our psychologists. Please note that these are estimations only and are subject to change. Individuals on our waitlist are contacted and offered appointment times on a 'First-come, First-choice' service policy. On occasion, we may also contact you to offer a cancellation appointment, with shorter notice.

We are not a mental health crisis service and unfortunately, cannot respond to ‘urgent requests’ or see you for appointments after hours, if you are experiencing an emergency. Please see Other Contacts on our contact us page to assist you with your urgent matter. For policies about how our waitlist will be managed, please refer to our Waitlist policy section.