A Humanistic approach toPsychology


Real transformation takes courage.

Phoenix Psychology Canberra Australia counseling and therapy

We understand that even taking the first step and coming to your first appointment is a show of strength in itself. We've devoted our life's work toward helping our clients rise above challenges, change and transform into the person they want to be. We find deep joy and satisfaction in being able to develop treatment plans that tailor therapeutic modalities to each and every one of our unique clients, allowing them to change and grow over time. 

One of the greatest privileges we have as therapists is to be able to sit with a person and allow them to express their inner most difficulties, hidden pains, fears, and their deepest hurts. In that moment, they may feel vulnerability, damage or breakage. During our process, we are able to see the individual in terms of the Phoenix metaphor; in the final moments just as the mythical bird is facing its transformation.

We believe that the past is a place of reference not a place of residence and often the deepest pains empower you to grow into your highest self. Our goal is to help you to conquer that past, wear the scars like wings and take flight like the phoenix.




We approach psychological care a little differently at Phoenix Psychology Canberra. With a higher emphasis on the individual needs of each of our clients, we understand that there's not a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. It's a highly customized, collaborative and exploratory process that allows us to really connect with our clients and inspire true and lasting change

Focusing on an individual connection with each client, we strive to help clients to feel more empowered and to fully develop their identities, dreams and goals and to find greater levels of happiness. We help you push past those invisible cages and limits, even when you feel there isn't a way through. We may not always tell you what you want to hear, but we'll always tell you what you need to hear. Helping you take flight- to change and move forward with your life, feeling transformed and empowered.


Why the name Phoenix?

Individualized Humanistic Approach to Therapy Phoenix Psychology Canberra

The Phoenix is a mythical bird that consciously consumes itself in flames to be reborn new from its ashes. It is the symbol of human transformation and rebirth that each of us must undergo to one degree or another to create or recreate what we desire in ourselves, for ourselves or in our lives. The method that is used is our choice, but the process over the course of human life is inescapable.

Change is inevitable for all of us.

The are several versions of the legend of the phoenix. They all seemed to place the origins of the phoenix in Egyptian mythology. It is seen as a mythical bird that lived in the Arabian Desert. What is interesting about the Phoenix is that when it saw death draw near, or when it chose, it would consciously consume itself in flames to be reborn and rising new from its ashes young and beautiful to live another cycle. To do so, it would make a nest of sweet-smelling wood and resins. It would then expose itself and its nest to the full force of the sun’s rays until it burnt itself and the nest to ashes in the flames, only to rise rejuvenated from the ashes in a brand new form. The very essence of the phoenix captures the indestructible spirit of humankind. 

But it needs to be understood, the death to which we refer is not always physical death. There are many deaths we face at many different levels of our being and many different times of our lives. The phoenix myth is in many ways the door way to our freedom as beings of unlimited potential to create ourselves and the lives we want. Something old must be released and transformed to make room for the new. It's not only the individual which needs to be transformed but quite often also the environment, the nest of the Phoenix. There is therefore both an inner and outer transformation. Often we try and transform ourselves (the inner) but do not understand how the nest (the outer world around us) holds us in our current form and also needs to change. 

The myth of the phoenix provides a general, but poignant, framework to guide one through their journey of transformation. Its is an undeniable fact that accompanies human existence and the human journey.